Friday 9 January 2015

Thank you for your support!

Dear poets,

Thank you very much for all your positive feedback! It makes me very special feeling that I have made a difference in your lives and hopefully your test scores. This blog has already become something bigger than I could ever imagine.
All over the world I have gotten recognition for my work and some people recognise me from the work in my blog before even meeting me.

I am now studying IB and the main focus this year would be about War Poetry by Wilfred Owen. As soon as I have finished reviewing my notes and making it to the best that it can be I will upload them. So look forward to it!

You can follow me weekly blog at Because it is made on a regular basis, some of the work is not to the best that it can be. However if you would like to follow on the life lessons that I find out on a weekly basis, I would suggest that that place is a good place to start.

Once again, thank you for all your support, and I hope that this blog grows even bigger! Once again, thank you for all your support!

Matthew Tan


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. hi. i'm from India and i rely on only your blog for my exams/tests. my classmates too have recommended your blog to our teachers. thanks for the amazing quality!

  4. Could you please do 'an inspector calls'?
